The Library of the University of the Aegean within the Act "Digital Library Aegean University", which was funded by the "Digital Convergence" (ERDF 2007-2013) Operational Programme, digitized 170,000 pages of rare and old items of its collection, which is available to the public to search for, preview and download via the Hellanicus Repository.
The criteria for selecting the materials for digitization were the scientific and historical value of the original printed items, the necessity to protect them against further damage, as well as the fact that these were not available in a digitized form by other institutions. The project implementation team also dealt with copyright and management issues of the digital documents which were produced.
The digitized items belong mostly to the 19th and the early 20th centuries and derive from the following collections:
- Educational Academy of Rhodes
- School of Porfyriada Karlovasi Samos
- Donation from Panagiotis Mageira’s family (Library - Samos branch)
You can access the Rare Materials Collection in the Hellanicus Repository through the following link:
Search item in the Rare Materials Collection