Application for registration

All members of the academic community of the University of the Aegean are entitled to a library card, in particular:

  • undergraduate students, postgraduate students, doctoral candidates
  • faculty and
  • administrative and other staff of the University of the Aegean.

Moreover, the Library can also issue a member card to some special categories of users. In particular, the Library issues a member card to:

  • students and teaching staff who attend the University within the framework of inter-university cooperation programmes (e.g. ERASMUS)
  • undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) who reside on islands with operating Units (Schools and Departments) of the University of the Aegean Library and
  • other visitors, provided that the Library Branch Head approves the membership request.

To qualify for a Library member card, applicants must submit to the Library branch the following documentation:

  • a completed application form for registration which the applicant can obtain from the Library branch or can download it from the Library’s website
  • an academic ID (for undergraduate or postgraduate students and doctoral candidates) or Identification Card (for other visitors)

Registering as a Library member requires conforming to the Aegean University Library regulations.

Library member rights are personal and non-transferable.

For any Library transactions an academic or police identity is required.

Students retain their Library-member status and rights throughout their course of study. These rights cease on graduation.

At the first transaction of every new academic year the Library (member) registration is renewed, together with confirmation of the member’s details.

External users’ status and membership are renewed or canceled at the decision of the Branch Head.

Pursuant to Law 2472/97, the Library keeps personal data in its records and does not grant it to third parties.