A database is an organized collection of data that fall within the same broader field. Data are typically organized into records, each of which is a key field, such as a bibliographical reference, an article, a book, a conference paper or proceedings. Every entry is further analyzed into different fields, such as Title, Author or Publication Date, allowing the user to create a structured search which will help them identify material in the Library.
The Library has Bibliographical Databases / Full-Text Databases that offer references to published material and abstracts or synopsis of items, even their full text. Access to the Library’s Bibliographical Databases / Full-Text Databases is based on IP recognition via editors.
The Library currently operates the following Library’s Bibliographical Databases / Full-Text Databases:
Additionally, the University of the Aegean Library, as a member of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEALLink), has access to Bibliographical Databases that link users to the full text of the articles they are interested in. Users can access the list of subscriptions in Bibliographical Databases / Full-Text Databases of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEALLink)(link is external) through the relevant HEALLink website.